The Dead Man


Is it possible to be physically alive yet be a dead man at the same time? Ephesians 2:1-3 teaches that it is not only possible, but it is also a sad reality for many people who are not alive in Christ. The dead man may have all the symptoms of a physical life. The heart is beating. The lungs are breathing. The brain is functioning. The body is responding.  But spiritually, they are devoid of the life that only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. What are the symptoms of the dead man who is not alive in Jesus Christ?

1. The depravity of the dead man. The dead man is dead "in" his trespasses and sins. This does not mean that the dead man cannot do some things that are good in the eyes of fellow man. This does mean that the best of the good works of the dead man only amount to sin in the eyes of a holy God.
2. The disobedience of the dead man. The dead man is following after the course of this world. He is influenced by the deceptive lies of the devil. His walk is that of a disobedient child.

3. The desires of the dead man. The dead man lusts after what pleases himself. He then wills himself to obtain what only pleases himself. There is no desire in his heart to please the Lord because is not alive in Jesus Christ.
Is there any home for the dead man? Yes. He must come alive in Christ. "But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved.)" Ephesians 2:4-5



Stress is common in life. If there is not enough stress, we will not be motivated to accomplish anything. Too much stress and life can become overwhelming. Paul writes about this stress in 2 Corinthians 4:8, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair." How is he squeezed so tight yet does not give up? How can we handle stress common in life?

1. Trust that God is in control.
2. Remember the truth of God.
3. Rely on the strength of God.
4. Seek to glorify God.




One of the greatest Biblical truths, bringing great assurance to the heart of the believer, is the doctrine of the security of the saints. Is salvation of the saints, and its security, the work of our infallible God, or the work of fallible man?  This doctrine provides reassurance that believers are eternally held in all-powerful hands of the Son of God (John 10:27-29). This great truth is based upon the character of God, who cannot lie, ensuring that His promises are unchanging and eternal (Titus 1:2). Then, to secure His gift of everlasting life, the Lord sealed the believer with the Holy Spirit promise, guaranteeing our inheritance until the complete redemption of those who are God's possession, to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:14; 4:30). To unravel and trample over this beautiful doctrine would require the dismantling of the Word of God which is settled forever in heaven (Psalm 119:89). When it comes to the believer's security of salvation, consider it sealed!